Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Designing the Life I Dream Of

So, in my "About Me" section, you might have noticed that I said I post about "my quest to design the life I dream of."  Mostly I've just posted about design stuff so far, but today is the day.  I had a little bit of an epiphany the other day.  I'd been daydreaming about living on a farm (not WORKING the farm), having a little garden, animals, a slower pace...  I'd still love to do that, but here is the epiphany.  Why wait to have the life I dream of?  So, I don't live on a farm and my garden gets eaten by deer.  What else can I do to be happy NOW and not in some dream of a life I may never have?

I've been thinking about it and I've found a few things that are important for me to be happy and stay out of the day to day rut.  You might need different things.  Here are some of mine.  I'm sure I'll come up with more the more that I think about it.

1. Me time.  I need me time.  Not a lot, but some.  EVERY DAY.  It might be a 25 minute workout in front of the TV (T25 anyone?), maybe a trip to the gym, yoga, maybe even a pedicure.  It doesn't really matter what it is, as long as I can focus on it for a little while and feel recharged after.  Quite often, this is easier said than done.  Me time does NOT include folding laundry, going to the grocery store (especially with kids), work, or cleaning.  It's nice if I can combine it with something active, because I surely need more of that.

2. A creative outlet.  I need to be doing something creative.  Sometimes this includes designing new rooms for me or my friends.  Sometimes it might be sewing a quilt.  (I've done that twice now.)  It could be putting Hannah and Lucy's fall wardrobes together on Polyvore.  It's so much more fun to dress them than it is to dress me.  This creative outlet happens for me automatically.  I can't help designing things in my mind.  Thinking about how I would change or improve a place that I go, or how I can incorporate great details that I see into my rooms.

3. I need to get out of my comfort zone.  This is more for the "stay out of the day to day rut" part.  I have a hard time with this.  For one, I'm super busy with two kids, one who is still a toddler.  I work, I have a blog (maybe you've heard of it?), I try to exercise regularly, I attempt to prepare healthy meals for my family THAT THEY WILL EAT.  But it's also difficult because I'm not really a dare devil type of girl.  I've always been more of a watch from the sidelines type of girl.  But you know what?  That is lame.  I'm missing out on a lot of fun just watching from the sidelines.  You gotta get in there, you know?  Get your hands dirty.  So I've been trying to say "yes" to things that might sound like too much effort or might seem a little bit intimidating.  It's been fun!

Today I did SUP yoga.  What is that you ask?  It's yoga on a Stand Up Paddleboard.  I have a friend who is really good at getting her hands dirty.  She's super active and doesn't seem intimidated by much.  She has her own Yoga and Pilates company that does SUP yoga.  It's called Wasatch Yoga and Pilates and she's on Facebook.  Look her up there.  I saw some pictures she posted and I thought, "Ohhh!  That looks like fun!"  But then I thought, "I can't do that!  I've never even done SUP before.  What if I'm terrible?  What if I spend the entire time in the water?  What if everyone can tell what a dork I am?"  And then, I signed up.  Guess what?  It was fun!  I only fell in once and it wasn't so bad.  I wasn't the only one who fell in either.  Don't know if they could tell what a dork I am, but who cares, right?  I think I'm going to go again!

Here's another thing I might not have been THAT psyched to do.  Go on a hike with my family for Pioneer Day.  We have two little girls that fight a lot in the car, they make it hard to get up and do stuff.  And they MIGHT complain a bit while hiking the 1 mile trail up to Cecret Lake.  But...  we did it!  And it was fun!  And I think maybe they learned something about getting off the beaten path.  About the rewards of going out of your way a little bit to see something not everyone gets to see.  That it won't kill you to get out of breath and to feel your leg muscles working.  At least I hope they did.

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